Which Car Is Mentioned by Name in the Theme Song of Tv's "All in the Family"?

The Bunker-Stivic Family

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     In General


  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: They constantly bicker with their different viewpoints but there is no doubt they love each other like an actual family does.
  • Dysfunctional Family: In a more downwards-to-earth family of the 70'south kind of mode.
  • Nice Guy: Even Archie can prove to exist not that bad a person when he shows his loving human being side. Mike, Gloria, and especially Edith has shown kindness and consideration to most people and act very much like normal people

     Archie Bunker

Archibald "Archie" Bunker

The patriarch of the Bunker household, Archie is a blue collar factory worker who was born and raised in New York. He blusters well-nigh his bourgeois, and often narrow-minded, viewpoints to anyone listening (or anyone nearby), much to the consternation of his liberal daughter and son-in-law. Regardless, underneath all of it is an ultimately expert man who is willing to have others with plenty convincing and is happily married to his wife, Edith, who he adores.

  • Abusive Parents: His father was not a nice guy to say the least. Beingness locked in a closet barely touches the surface of his childhood. Archie himself, for all his disagreements with his daughter, certainly never took a swing at her.
  • Affectionate Nickname: He calls Gloria "Petty Girl," even when she's well into adulthood. Loathe though he'd exist to admit it, his calling Mike a meathead also becomes a form of endearment.
  • Arch-Enemy (no pun intended): To George Jefferson. Going into Jefferson's house would exist the day hell froze over for Archie.
  • Berserk Button: If you lot ever visit the Bunkers' house, whatever you exercise, do Not sit in Archie'due south chair.
  • Catchphrase: Archie had quite a few.
    • "You're a pip, Edith."
    • "Stifle yourself, Edith."
    • "Dummy upward, you lot".
    • "Whoop-de-do, whoop-de-doo, whoop-de-doo!"
    • "Aw, geez."
    • And Blowing a Raspberry.
  • Grapheme Development: In his early Goggle box appearances, he tried to stop Puerto Ricans from moving next door. By Archie Bunker's Identify, he had lost about of his bigotry. And if 704 Hauser is considered catechism, he apparently sold his home to a black family unit in the early 1990s.
  • Dad the Veteran: He served in Italy as part of the Ground forces Air Corps during WW2 and he'southward very proud of it.
  • Embarrassing Starting time Name: "Archibald"
  • Embarrassing Nickname: "Shoebooty", what the other kids called him when he was lilliputian because his parents could simply beget to give him a shoe and a boot to wear as a pair of footwear, according to the Bottle Episode where he and Michael are locked in the cellar.

    Archie: They used to holler, "Tooty fruity, here comes Shoebooty." And they kept calling me that until they establish out my name was Archibald, and they thought that was funnier. So I wished they'd go back to "Shoebooty".

  • Emotionally Natural language-Tied: Archie has difficulty with expressing affection. In the episode "Gloria Has a Belly Full", he visits Gloria after she had a miscarriage.

    Gloria: You wanna say something?

    Archie: Well, no, no, nothin', I... no, nothin'.

    Gloria: You love me. (Archie nods silently)

  • Everyone Has Standards: You wouldn't know information technology from his temper, simply he really has lines he won't cross.
    • Besides being a Noble Bigot, he objects to one of his friends calling Mike a "Communist". He may disagree with Mike, but he won't call him a "cerise".
    • He was also thoroughly repulsed when he found out that what he thought was a social order turned out to be the local KKK chapter, and promptly tells them off and quits, after warning them to stay abroad from Mike and Gloria's business firm (Mike had written a controversial alphabetic character to the editor and the Klan intended to burn a cross on his lawn) or he would come back with some of his "blackness blood brothers" and "bust their honkey heinys."
    • He besides refrains from using more offensive racial slurs like "nigger" or "wop", since he realizes these are genuinely malicious terms, as opposed to his other Innocent Bigot ways of describing other ethnicities. When George Jefferson uses the N-word at Lionel's engagement party, Archie is surprised and declares he hasn't uttered that word in three years.
    • For all that irritates if not frustrates him most Edith, he has never been known to have taken a swing at the Dingbat. The worst he'southward gotten is "stifle yourself" and the "Dingbat" nickname.
    • Lastly, though non that surprising considering he's a World War II veteran, he absolutely hates Nazis.
  • Freudian Excuse: His father was a mean old racist himself. It'southward implied he was in fact far worse than Archie, freely using the word "nigger" and abusing Archie and (presumably) his brother Fred. Archie, for all his faults, never called a black person annihilation worse than "colored" or "spade", and was a genuinely loving father.
  • Good Parents: Absolutely, given that Gloria was a well-adjusted and smart girl. Archie may have his many flaws, only he adores his daughter (and later, his grandchild). He besides never abused Gloria, physically or emotionally, which is notable since information technology's mentioned that'southward how he was raised.
  • Good People Have Good Sex: With Edith, surprisingly enough. His initial label was prudish in the extreme, but this was softened later into a mere disdain for "free love" sexuality. It's repeatedly made very clear in afterward episodes that he and Edith accept an agile and mutually satisfying relationship in the chamber.
  • Happily Married: To Edith. Though he may poke fun at her, he thinks the earth of her and is broken when she dies.
  • Hypocrite: Often bemoans his own son-in-law for beingness an atheist, merely he hardly ever goes to church building, and sometimes tries to cheat others as well.
  • Innocent Bigot: His prejudices are mostly depicted as a product of his ignorance and upbringing rather than any bodily malice. He seemed genuinely fond of Lionel and upon finding out his longtime friend and coworker Stretch Cunningham was Jewish (after Stretch had died), he delivered a heartfelt eulogy, including a sincere "shalom". He also was accepting and supportive of Beverly's lifestyle, and was saddened when she was killed.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Golden: While he was most famous for existence an outspoken bigot, his bigotry was actually more than of a product of his background than out of hatred and malice. Once you take that aspect of his character, he surprisingly could be a pretty decent guy. Despite his opinions and somewhat harsh nicknames, there was no doubtfulness that he loved his wife, daughter, grandson and, despite how much he would detest to admit information technology, his son-in-police force, Michael.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Whenever his daughter or son-in-police come at him with some crimson-picked statistic to bolster their emotion-driven "experience-good" liberalism, he comes right back at them with some logical counter-argument that shuts them down, cold.

    Gloria:"Did yous know [Ten] number of people are killed every day with a gun?! DID YOU?!"

    Archie:"Would information technology brand you feel whatsoever better, trivial girl, if they were thrown out of windows?"

    • Mike and Gloria say every bit much in "Mike'due south Hippie Friends Come up to Visit" when Archie agrees to a compromise and Mike's friends notwithstanding won't budge.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: When his selfishness and bigotry become also much. In one episode, he willingly accepted a bribe to non to press charges against the son of a local politician, and past the end of the episode, he lost money on the deal.
  • Lower-Class Lout: A crass, blueish-collar worker with bigoted viewpoints.
  • Malaproper: Large time. If he uses a large word, chances are he'll utilize it incorrectly, or at the very least mispronounce information technology. He calls the book of Ecclesiastes "Ecclesiasticles" and once refers to "carnival (i.east. lecherous) knowledge".
  • The Nicknamer: When he isn't malaproping someone's name, he'll be referring to them by a deliberate nickname. He refers to all three members of his firsthand family by a "pet" nickname more often than their real name:
    • His wife, Edith, is "Dingbat", though this fades equally their affection for each other grows. When he'southward annoyed with or aroused at her, he'll still say she is a dingbat rather than actually call her dingbat.
    • His daughter Gloria is almost always "piffling girl", in all situations.
    • His son-in-law Michael is "Meathead", even when he's not arguing with him. When he calls him "Mike", information technology's a Big Deal.
  • Noble Bigot: In spite of his prejudices, he is not a truly hateful homo, as evidenced by his sort-of-friendship with Lionel, his credence of his niece Stephanie's Jewish heritage (to the point of buying her a Star of David necklace), and the fashion he stands up to a local Klan chapter to forestall them from burning a cross on Mike's lawn.
  • Papa Wolf: He gets incredibly aroused if anyone threatens Mike, Gloria, Stephanie, or his grandchild, and volition go out of his way to make the offender regret it.
  • Parental Substitute: Loathe as he'd be to admit it, he loves Mike like a son, and the feeling is mutual.
  • Existent Men Hate Amore: Archie hates showing amore, and is disgusted past Mike and Gloria for doing so. He occasionally shows genuine affection for Edith, but believes such things to be private.
  • Sour Prudes: Early on on, Archie was a male case: genuinely sexless (multiple characters including his wife wonder how he always could have fathered Gloria) and completely terrified of sexuality in general. This was quietly retconned afterward: it's clear that although Archie doesn't approve of newfangled concepts similar "gratuitous love", he and Edith have a good for you and agile sexual activity life.
  • Harbinger Graphic symbol: Co-ordinate to Word of God, his graphic symbol was created for the express purpose of showing Republicans, Conservatives, or worse Conservative Republicans are racist, sexist, homophobic bigots and so nosotros could express mirth at them. Whether intended from the offset or not, this quickly became a subversion as Archie was ultimately depicted as a rather flawed withal decent homo, whose center was usually in the correct place.
  • Strawman Has a Betoken: In-universe. Whenever he gets antagonized past leftist, big-regime activists and politicians, he ultimately winds up showing them that they're but as bigoted as he is, if not more so, yet they remain completely oblivious to information technology, many of them insisting that "people of colour" are so pathetic that they can't possibly improve their lives unless the regime takes over control of their lives for them and the "Social Welfare" programs they advocate couldn't possibly hold water if it wasn't for the fact that the government tin merely dump more money into them. Money that was taken at the point of a gun from hard-working blueish-collar workers like himself.
  • Tragic Dropout: Role of the reason why he's annoyed with Mike's academic background is because he had to driblet out of high schoolhouse to support his family unit during the Great Depression.
  • Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: Sometimes. Aside from his bigoted opinions, he tin exist quite selfish and he constantly puts down everyone around him.
  • Working-Class People Are Morons: Not entirely Archie's fault, given that he had to drop out of high schoolhouse during the Depression to bring together the piece of work force. For what he lacks in book smarts, he makes up for in street smarts, and he's mostly more accepting of unlike walks of life than he would let on at showtime.

     Edith Bunker

Edith Bunker (née Baines)

The ditzy but sweet and kind-hearted matriarch of the Bunker household. Edith is often naive and simple about a great many things, simply her simplicity belies a folksy wisdom and observation about the globe and other walks of life, and Archie usually defers to her decisions on bigger moral issues because of it.

  • All-Loving Hero: To a tee. Edith was ane of the about openminded, kind hearted characters to ever appear on TV. Especially at that betoken in time in America, in straight counterpoint to her husband Arche's Innocent Bigot persona. Explicitly describing her friendships with the black Louise Jefferson and the drag queen Beverly LaSalle as being like family.
  • Berserk Button: She actually had a few.
    • She once slapped Archie in the face when she thought he was returning to a gambling addiction that almost wrecked their wedlock years ago.
    • Also when Archie ever acted especially ungrateful and enervating toward her.
    • And Archie trying to apply God in one of his arguments.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Despite being saintly, Archie and even Mike have often tested her patience more than one time, and the effect was a very sharp verbal beat out-downward.
  • Butt-Monkey: On occasion. She ofttimes had to deal with her husband's antics, several medical bug, and was most raped.
  • The Ditz: Silly and cheerful, and seemingly ignorant of Archie's temper.
    • Genius Ditz: Merely was really a wise and outspoken woman when she needed to exist.
  • Dumb Is Skillful: Edith is ditzy and uneducated, and she's the nicest character on the show.
  • Practiced Parents: To Gloria and later to Stephanie.
  • Skillful People Have Good Sex: Edith is very demure about sex in a very former-fashioned way, simply when she can exist coaxed to talk about it's clear that she and Archie have a very enjoyable relationship in the sleeping room. Edith fifty-fifty in one case describes her times with Archie to a friend as "like Thanksgiving"!
  • Motor Mouth: Whenever she'south reminded of her family unit, Edith will proceed to tell long and crazy stories that can go on forever, unless Archie or someone else tells her to wrap it upwards.
  • Squeamish Lady: She is very kind and accepting toward everybody who came to her door.
  • But Sane Woman: Often proves to be the balance betwixt Archie and Mike, beingness much more than tolerant than Archie without Mike's grandstanding while having a greater understanding of how the earth works than Mike without Archie'southward cynicism. She's just a Nice Lady who wants everyone to stop fighting and to get along.
  • Parental Substitute: She's like a mother to Mike, who even calls her "Ma". (His real mother died when he was little).
  • Too Dumb to Live: In the concluding episode of All In The Family, she attempted to cook a St. Patrick'southward Day dinner, even when stricken with phlebitis, which could impale her. Archie himself gave Edith a What the Hell, Hero? moment for that.

     Mike "Meathead" Stivic

Michael Casimir "Mike" "Meathead" Stivic

Archie and Edith's son in constabulary, married to their daughter Gloria. Mike is a Chicago-born, liberal bookish who lives with the Bunkers while he attempts to finish his degree, and his progressive tendencies often atomic number 82 to arguments with Archie's conservatism.

  • Berserk Button:
    • Being compared to Archie, which can send him into a fit.
    • Archie's bigotry, especially Polish jokes.
    • Archie going behind his back when it came to raising Joey.
  • Character Development: He grew more accepting of Archie every bit time went on. However his radicalism really grew beyond existence merely mouthed, and eventually he engaged in beliefs that finally destroyed his family unit by Archie Bunker's Place .
  • Cavalier Pity: His liberalism often contained traces of this—plainly women, Black people, and other minorities couldn't possibly solve their own problems and needed white college-educated men similar him to "help." Various characters, including Gloria and Lionel, weren't afraid to take him to task for this condescending attitude and tell him to shut his mouth once in a while.
  • Fatal Flaw: His Pride over his liberal views has made him just equally stubborn as Archie. Eventually his pride causes his beliefs and actions to go more radicalized and he winds up choosing his activism over his family.
  • Hollywood Atheist: Downplayed. Though he would fence with Archie almost organized religion, he wasn't demeaning toward other people's beliefs, and actually helped Edith through a crisis of faith afterward Beverly LaSalle was killed.
  • Honor Before Reason: Lost his college task protesting in the nude to forbid the construction of a nuclear power constitute. Deconstructed, since this attitude helped destroy his marriage with Gloria.
  • In-Series Nickname: His friends call him Mike. Archie calls him "Meathead".
  • Like Male parent, Like Son: Averted. His father was apparently as racist equally Archie, but Mike made a point to never try to become a bigot. He's also mentioned to have been raised past his uncle, who didn't share his male parent's racist attitude.
  • Mirror Character: Despite not seeing center-to-middle with Archie, he wasn't that much different in attitude, and could be merely every bit loudmouthed and stubborn. He was sexist sometimes too. There was also leaving his wife and son to live on a commune with one of his students. Also, for all his championing for the rights of minorities, he all the same ends up feeling angry and disappointed when loses a professorship position he applied for to a black applicant due to Affirmative Activity.
  • Mr. Vice Guy: Mike is a a well-educated and skillful-intentioned man whose liberal views can make him just every bit stubborn as Archie.
  • Just Sane Homo: Subverted. He thinks he's this, but he tin can exist simply as bad as Archie. Worth noting is that while he does believe in racial equality, he seems to be of the stance that minorities can only advance in life with the help of open minded white guys like him.
  • Parental Abandonment: His parents were killed in a car crash when he was a child, and he was raised by his uncle. He left his wife and son to live on a hippie district.
  • Positive Discrimination: Deconstructed. Despite sharing the viewpoints of Norman Lear, his abiding championing of civil rights causes ofttimes annoyed other black people like Lionel, who finds this attitude more grating than Archie'due south own bigotry. As Lionel put it, Archie is a bigot because he simply doesn't know whatever improve, simply Mike (who should know better) sometimes treats Lionel as a representative of the blackness race instead of an individual.
  • Strawman Political: A passionate liberal, in dissimilarity to Archie's conservative working form ideals.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: In "The Games Bunkers Play", Mike's flaws are shown in full form. The episode shows how he can exist stubborn, uptight, picky, and struggles to accept criticism.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: In his terminal season as a regular, Mike and Archie could be described as being very close, despite their different world views. They both can barely hold back tears as Mike, Gloria, and Joey depart for California at the end of the eighth season.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: The extremist office is more with how passionate he is virtually his liberal beliefs rather doing any risky, harmful actions.

     Gloria Bunker-Stivic

Gloria Bunker-Stivic

Archie and Edith's feminist daughter, and the wife of Mike. She often institute herself to be the only rational member of the house, and frequently tried to separate the grouse betwixt her husband and begetter.

  • Adaptational Personality Change: Her British counterpart, Rita, from Till Decease Us Practise Function was a Flat Character who mainly existed to take the in-police connection between Alf and Mike. Gloria though is a much more layered and strong-willed graphic symbol who changed between the time menses.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Archie oftentimes calls her "little daughter".
  • Daddy's Girl: Even though they often got into arguments like the family unit always does, there is no dubiety Gloria is very close to her father and loves each other with ambrosial affection. It's telling that whenever Gloria is in crunch and needs emotional support, Archie is always the one who is called upon to be there for her; by contrast, Edith usually leans on Gloria rather than the other way round - scenes where Edith attempts to "parent" Gloria are normally played for (good-natured) laughs, like when she tries to give Gloria "the talk" before her nuptials.
  • Dating What Daddy Hates: She married a Polish, atheist liberal, beginning viii years of arguments.
  • Overnice Girl: While she tin still have the stubbornness of her male parent, she has the kind and good-natured soul of her mother. She is still a loving and sweet person overall and is a loyal and supportive wife until they move to California during the run of Archies Bunkers Identify and eventually divorce.
  • Non So Above It All: Occasionally. She also marched in the nude with her hubby, even though information technology cost him his job.
  • Merely Sane Man: Female version. She wasn't as outspoken every bit her father and husband, nor was she every bit dizzy as her mom.
  • Straw Feminist: Averted. She would often argue strongly with Archie over her viewpoints, simply was less consumed by her politics than her father or Mike.
  • Surprise Pregnancy: Gloria was one, as revealed in "Gloria's Shock" when Mike remarks that about pregnancies are the upshot of the couple forgetting to take a trip to the drugstore, and Archie and Edith exchange knowing glances. All things considered, Gloria takes this news very well, fifty-fifty joking that she was a "surprise package".

Neighbors and Friends

     Lionel Jefferson

Played past: Mike Evans

Son of George Jefferson and friend of Archie despite their different races. After moves on upwards with his father to live in the East Side.

  • Berserk Button: Volition have these moments with Archie.
    • He doesn't mind Archie's opinions, but doesn't similar to be told who can hang out with. He told off Archie for trying to ban him from seeing his niece, and his father for his attitude toward Jenny.
    • He likewise finds Mike's Positive Discrimination more annoying than Archie'southward bigotry, once pointing out to Mike that all he e'er wants to talk with Lionel nearly are racial and civil rights issues. When Mike asks what else they're going to talk about and mockingly suggests the atmospheric condition, Lionel points out that black people accept weather condition too. He also is more tolerant of Archie's misbehavior because he doesn't know any improve, whereas Mike does.
  • The Gadfly: Is addicted of giving Archie but enough rope to hang himself, in a much more deft and subtle style than Mike's confrontational approach.
  • Morality Pet: For Archie, in the early going. Though Archie behaved ignorantly toward him, his interactions with Lionel proved he wasn't malignant in his bigotry, even seeing himself as something of a mentor figure and friend to Lionel.
  • Nice Guy: Is quite a mature young man who is very polite and friendly towards the Bunkers, even Archie.
  • Odd Friendship: With Archie. He knew deep downwards that Archie would never burn a cross on his lawn. He even went to live with him after a fight with George over Jenny.
  • Only Sane Homo: In The Jefferson family.
  • Uncle Tomfoolery: Plays this upwards in front of Archie to charm himself.

     Louise Jefferson

Mother of Lionel Jefferson and wife to George Jefferson. Later on moving into the neighborhood she becomes fast friends with Edith. Similar her son (and emphatically not like her husband) she generally gets along well with Archie despite their racial differences.

  • Affectionate Nickname:
    • Her husband George calls her "Weezy".
    • Archie calls her "Mrs. J".
  • Closer to Earth: Hard not to be when your married man is George Jefferson. A dissimilarity to daffy dingbat Edith.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She has her moments. When George decides to disown Lionel later he refuses to stop seeing his mixed-race fiancee Jenny, George informs Louise that he wants another son. Louise's response?

    Louise: You improve phone call parcel postal service... 'cause I've stopped making deliveries!

  • Fangirl: She's one for Sammy Davis Jr., squeeing over him like a bobby-soxer when he stops by 704 Hauser St. in "Sammy'southward Visit".
  • Foil: Functions every bit one to her husband George (being Closer to Earth) and to Edith (having a similar role in her household only being much more intelligent than sweet, naive Edith).
  • Dainty Lady: Perhaps only Edith is nicer than Louise, although she's non afraid to talk back to George or be tough with Lionel if the state of affairs calls for it.
  • Due north-Word Privileges: Like her husband, she had them, simply different him, she but said the N-discussion in one case, on The Jeffersons, in outrage at her son having bought a $350 wristwatch. According to Isabel Sanford, subsequently she said the line the studio audience laughed for over 2 minutes straight, which had to be cutting in the aired episode.
  • Odd Friendship: With Archie. The two become forth very well, all things considered, although Louise generally doesn't get out of her style to spend time in Archie's visitor (although she did visit him when he was in the hospital). Archie'southward high esteem for her is reflected in that he always calls her Mrs. J, a privilege he never extends to anyone else.

     Irene and Frank Lorenzo

Played past: Betty Garrett and Vincent Gardenia

Introduced in Flavour 4 as the Bunker's new neighbors, their attitudes toward marriage and gender put Archie at odds with them.

  • Berserk Button: Mock Irene, and Frank volition requite you the malocchio, the evil eye.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Frank vanished afterward season 4, while Irene vanished during Season vi.
  • Gag Olfactory organ: Invoked at one signal, where Frank alleged himself proud of his nose during a special game.
  • Large Ham: Frank was a very boisterous (but not-violent) individual.
  • Prissy Guy: Irene and Frank are very normal and decent neighbors. True they can even so clash with Archie from time to time but they are withal proficient neighbors to the whole Bunkers, even him.
  • Supreme Chef: Frank.
  • Wrench Wench: Irene was very geared toward bluish-collar work, and even carried tools in her purse.

    Stretch Cunningham

Jerome "Stretch" Cunningham

Played by: Baton Sands ("Archie in the Cellar", voice only) James Cromwell (all other appearances)

Archie'due south applied jokester friend.

  • Coach Crash: While he was never Put on a Bus, he stopped physically appearing after Season 5, until he dies of a center assault in "Stretch Cunningham, Goodbye".
  • Killed Off for Real: Dies of a eye assault in Season 7.


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/AllInTheFamily

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